Thursday, December 27, 2007

From Craigslist: left-handed piano

best of craigslist > minneapolis > RARE Left-hand strung piano Originally Posted: Mon, 3 Sep 19:53 CDT

RARE Left-hand strung piano

Date: 2007-09-03, 7:53PM CDT

This piano is one of only a handful (probably the left hand full) that were built with the high notes "al sinistra" (on the left end) and low notes "al rechta" (on right). These pianos were originally built to be sold in southern hemisphere countries where, because of the perceived "backward" spin of the earth, audio vibrations travel in a counter-clockwise direction.

The reversed placement of the treble and bass keys allows pianists from these southern nations to play northern European piano literature without having to relearn the notes. It does require that the score be transfered to onion skin vellum, laid in reverse on a copy machine and photocopied in reverse so that the music flows from right to left on the page. Several collections of reverse-hand piano literature might be found on yAbe (the southern hemisphere internet auction site, based in Australia.)

This instrument is one of the rare ones located in the U.S. It would fit well in a left-handed house, where right-hand pianos tend to stick out into traffic flow and look out windows with not necessarily the best views. You will need to reverse the hinges on the front door of houses in order for the left-handed piano to fit through the opening and fit around the corner to the parlor. Instructions for this re-hinging process can be found at

  • Location: (Somewhere out there)
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

PostingID: 413152288

Monday, December 24, 2007

Casio keyboard is 2007's top-selling toy

Brisbane, Dec 24 : The hottest selling toy this Christmas is the humble toy piano keyboard, according to Australian retailer Big W.

The Discount department store chain Big W said that classic toys and 'brands of years gone by' are the top buys for children this Christmas.


Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Sir Anthony Hopkins to go on piano tour

Tuesday, December 4 2007, 12:20 GMT

By Kimberley Dadds

Sir Anthony Hopkins to go on piano tour

Rex Features

Sir Anthony Hopkins has decided to take a break from his acting career and go on a world tour playing his piano.

The Silence of the Lambs actor will carry out a lifelong dream by playing his piano with a full orchestra and telling stories over the music.

His passion for music came to light when he met Malcolm Luker, who scored the soundtrack for his latest movie Slipstream, and the pair started planning the tour. It will commence either next year or in 2009.

Luker revealed they are still in the early stages of planning, saying: "I think people will be surprised by (Anthony's) talents. He's a great pianist and an incredibly pleasant and softly spoken man.

"It's going to happen either next year or early 2009 but at the moment we're doing the preliminaries of checking timing, availability and venues."

The Oscar-winner hopes to kick off the tour in Melbourne, Australia.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Piano on the highway

JOSHUA TREE — The Public Piano Peace Tour has kicked off, or more accurately rolled off, in the Morongo Basin. read more....

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Piano tuner wins privacy case

Billings Gazette Wed, 26 Sep 2007 1:59 AM PDT
KALISPELL - A man who tuned a hotel's piano as a contractor and cited privacy in refusing to provide his Social Security number does not have to release it and must be paid, a judge has ruled.
read full article...

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Online piano appraisal form

A technician in the LA area who identifies himself only as Leo has an online appraisal form that's worth looking at.
This piano store in West Covina is at the end of an off-ramp from the San Bernadino (10) freeway. In the past ten years, seven cars have crashed into the store coming off the freeway — twice in the past year alone. Read news article....
And here's a post from 2005 on the same subject.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Sacramento Bee portrait of Antonio Bombal

The house smells of parchment, of lotion, of culture, of memories, of loneliness, of disappointment. Listen. There is the barely perceptible cry of a dying chord, so sweetly plaintive, so exquisitely formed. Antonio Bombal, who walks with a stoop, goes into his spacious library. The walls are lined with books. Bombal speaks five languages, reads Latin and Greek. read full article

Sunday, July 29, 2007

On the back of this card:

The Busiest People you know — Presidents, Industrial Leaders, Scientists, Doctors, Have Wide Interests, share many hobbies. And the One that is Cherished Most of All is Playing the Piano.

And Good News! You're never too old to learn. Thanks to Modern Teaching Methods. Drop in and let us show you... Soon.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Answering machine weirdness

This message was on my answering machine today..

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Business card inside piano

Just in case the owner moves back... to Iran

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Many of us depended on Western Piano for last-minute piano parts, and lamented its passing six years ago. But did you know that it lives on as River City Piano Company at the space above? It's at 1609 Dreher Street Unit B. Call them at 916-444-7090 or 916-837-3630(cell).

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

ugly pianos for sale on ebay

"Five incredibly vile pianos worth $1.2m"
Read article

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Pianoteq – True piano modelling

A company called Pianoteq has made a breakthrough in digital pianos — true piano modeling. This piano does not rely on samples; instead, it is a computer simulation of a piano. This has two advantages. First, it demands much less computer power than a large sample set. More intriguingly, it allows the full range of piano effects that samples cannot, including: open strings vibrating sympathetically, "catching" chords with a late pedal, "ghost" notes with sostenuto, half-pedaling, detuning of unisons, changing hammer hardness, changing inharmonicity, and so on. To find out more, click below.
Click here to look at site

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Piano falls in Battery Street Tunnel

Traffic through Seattle's Battery Street Tunnel was briefly blocked Wednesday afternoon by a piano...
Read full article...

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Twilight Zone piano story

Thanks to San French, here is a link to a Twilight Zone episode about a strange player piano.
The link is
For some reason, it only works if you paste it in your browser window. I haven't been able to make it work as a regular link.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

How to Never Lose a Thing Again

This is one of the oldest organizing truisms around, but it is probably the most important of all: a place for everything, and everything in its place.Why is it so popular? Because it works. Read below to find out how to form this habit and never lose a thing again...
For full article, click here.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Monday, April 23, 2007

Mr D found my tuning antics worthy of recording

As I was tuning, I felt I was being watched... I looked to my left and saw my customer stealthily videotaping me... so I took his picture :)

Saturday, April 21, 2007

From the police novel "The Choirboys"

"The tired eyed woman had called them to report that her teenage daughter had threatened to run off with a forty-nine year old piano tuner who lived next door." —p. 180

Checking the tuning

Moments like this keep me tuning pianos after three decades!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Piano Dropper part deux

Here is a picture of the incident.

Friday, April 06, 2007

The technician before me attacked the problem of a cracked bass bridge by putting blocks of wood on top of the bridge and underneath the strings. That couldn't have been easy to do.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Piano tuning on the Amazing Race

On a recent episode of The Amazing Race, four pairs of contestants had to tune a string on a piano. (One of them broke it!) Click here to read more.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Tom & Jerry cartoon - "Piano Tooners"

Piano Tooners (1932)
Thanks to San French for telling me about this cartoon

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Playing Piano with Balls

Good comedy and amazing juggling skills.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Frank French on Historical Temperaments

Click here to read the outline of Frank French's April technical.

Monday, March 19, 2007

the piano

Lovely wordless animation combining music and the memories of a life.

(Most of the piano-related videos on YouTube seem to be virtuosic solo performances of music from video games!)

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


I just heard about this site for finding or advertising a free piano:
I would still use the Free section of craigslist first.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Pacific Northwest Conference

Have you registered yet for the Pacific Northwest Conference (PNWC)?

Here are some things you might not have considered, but should.

There is a free shuttle from the airport to the hotel.

You get free continental breakfasts and free goodies during the breaks.

Activities include:

…a special JAZZ night opportunity to hear the amazing Ron Carter Trio on Tuesday night if you want to come in early (tickets are only $26.50), contact Vince Mrykalo at 801-375-1987.

…a conference opening reception sponsored by Renner on Wednesday night held at Rick Baldassin’s new piano store

…the Mormon Tabernacle Choir rehearsal, with us as their special guests, on Thursday night

…a performance of the world traveled American Piano Quartet at our banquet on Friday night

…an organ recital and tour of the world famous Mormon Tabernacle Organ on Saturday at noon

...activities planned for your spouse. Call Roberta Kopp 801-235-8077 for details and to make arrangements.

…one day class taught by Renner

…a full day hands-on Mastering the Fundamentals

…PTG tuning and technical exams

…classes taught by truly world class instructors. Several classes are being offered for the first time. You must visit to see who will be there.

…and for fun and money, we will have a Tools for Sell or Exchange table. Bring your extra tools along and trade or sell them. You might find something you can’t live without to buy. There will be no charge to participate.

Do you realize you only have until March 20th to register to avoid late registration fees?

Online registration at the above mentioned website or contact:

Skip Livingston at 801-756-9400 or

See you in Salt Lake City,

Keith Kopp, RPT

Student needs help

One of my recent tuning jobs was on a baby grand that will need new felts in
the dampers. I would like to watch one of the RPTs do that so I can be properly
ready for the job. Could you put a note out to the members for them to call me
if they can show me that work? I will not be able to go to the meeting tomorrow

Thank you very much for your help.

Don Pitter

Thursday, March 08, 2007

A laser pointer is great for showing your customer something inside their piano. This is a combination pointer/LED flashlight/pen I got at Walgreen's (where I get everything).
A laser point is also the best cat toy.

Tips and tricks for your cell phone

Click here for full article. Thanks to Roxanne Miller.

Friday, February 23, 2007

CSUS Technician position open

CSUS is listing the piano technician job again. To see the whole ad, click here.

Cool web gadget

Find any chord or scale!

Monday, February 19, 2007

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Space-age player piano

This is an early bit of consumer gadgetry from the sixties. It's a player piano — but the controls are electric and mounted to the left of the keyboard. Atomic!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

If you want an 1856 Steinway square grand, call John Cendana at 916-689-5456. Motivated seller!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Brian Bode and family

Brian Bode family photos

Some of us remember Brian Bode from the late 80s. He was studying under Brad Larson. Now he lives and works on pianos in Michigan with his wife and four kids.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Dave passed too!

Congratulations to Dave Reitz, who passed the tuning test yesterday.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Congratulations! Two pass the tuning test

Congradulations to Mabel Chan and John Scrofani for passing the PTG Tuning Exam.
Two more of Peter Clark's students. Many thanks to Peter Clark as well.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

National convention

Dear PTG Colleagues,
You will soon be receiving a brochure full of information about the
upcoming 50th Annual PTG Convention and Technical Institute and the
special events planned to celebrate the great accomplishments of our
organization and our industry.

We are thrilled to be part of this 50th Anniversary celebration and sincerely hope
that you plan to join us June 20 24, 2007 in Kansas City.
Catch a sneak peek at the 2007 PTG Convention & Technical Institute by visiting
the convention website at The Institute searchable
database includes a full listing of classes, instructors, days and times.
It will be hard to choose between the tremendous educational opportunities
available to all of you. You especially will not want to miss the premier of the
Manufacturers Showcase and Panel Discussion.
Continuous displays of pianos - Pianos built from 1957 to 2007 were chosen
to represent the most unusual and greatest pianos of the last 50 years.
Mini-concerts - 10-15 minutes long and scheduled during class breaks from
Wednesday through Saturday afternoon.
Panel discussion - Led by experts representing a variety of manufacturers and
featuring an interactive discussion of innovations in piano technology of the
past 50 years.
There are 24 NEW classes, the return of last year's popular skills stations, a new set
of the multi-session (and even multi-day) classes, fast and to-the-point Mini-Tech classes,
and more of what you need for your continued professional development. Many of the
most fascinating offerings have limited enrollment, so register early!
PLUS, a free Golden Hammer Banquet ticket comes with every paid convention
registration! >From the Tuesday night spectacular opening to the array of free
concerts with nationally known artists to the special historical touches, this is
an event that will never come again.

Start planning now and when your brochure arrives, be one of the first to
join us. Save money by registering before May 15. See you in KC!

The Institute Team
Malinda Powell, Institute Director
Melanie Brooks, Assistant Director
Ward Guthrie, Assistant Director
Jeff Hickey, Assistant Director

Monday, January 29, 2007

They're here!

The long wait is over — Young Chang replacement action brackets are back.

Last California State Convention Update

This will be our final email regarding the California State PTG Conference, February 8th - 11th, 2007
at the San Francisco Airport Marriott. The Conference Web Site is: We hope you will be able to attend. This will be another great CA Conference!
The Exhibit Hall will feature all tool vendors from A - Z (which includes B,F,F,J,J,P,S,S,T,R,R,R,V ), almost every piano manufacturer, and the usual number of interesting additional trade related vendors. The Institute Class List is extensive with 3.5 days of classes and over 40 Instructors. For a complete list of everything visit: (the specific class schedule is now posted)
While we are past the Marriott Hotel group rate cutoff, you could call the Marriott local phone number
1-650-692-9100 between 9:00am and 5:00pm and see what they can do for you. Or, check the Marriot online reservations at: 
We have arranged overflow hotel booking for Wednesday through Saturday at the Clarion Hotel, 1/4 mile from the Marriot, at the same $96.00 Group rate until Jan 30 (Regular rate: about $110.00). Parking is $5.00 per day, and they have complimentary wireless for your laptop in the lobby. Clarion at: 650-777-7771, 9:00am-5:pm PST, Group Code PTG.
Most other questions may be answered on the web site and committee contact information is also available there.
We hope to see you in February!

The CA State Conference PTG and Santa Clara Valley Chapter Conference Team

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Elton John's birdcage

Used from 1969 to 1972, Elton John and Bernie Taupin used this instrument to co-write the music that made them famous. Read more....

February technical

Early Steinway Grand Research Project Update

The February meeting will be held 7:30 pm on Tuesday the 13th at Music Exchange, 2245 Arden Way, Sacramento, CA

The technical will feature Bill Shull who will present his "Early Steinway Grand Research Project Update". This will be a supplement to the all-day class given back in 2005.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Preview of February technical

Hi, Gene,

how about an "Early Steinway Grand Research Project Update" of my all-day
class I gave back in 2005?

I'll have a handout on the three early Steinway families, and we'll talk
about the 1857 8' Steinway we documented in October in New Hampshire, and the
6'8" Monitors I've documented since the Sacramento class of a year and a half
ago. We'll cover approaches to use when encountering older instruments.
We'll look at important undiscovered early Steinways to be on the lookout for:

And I might have a story for you all about the discovery of one of the
long-lost 1869 Monitor prototypes - the amazing "Iron Grand." I may have found
one, as the result of contacts made at NAMM this weekend!

I'll have an 1860s Steinway grand on hand.


Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Friday, January 19, 2007

Is a referral fee a bribe?

I've often pondered whether it is ethical to accept (or give) a payment in return for a referral. (I never do.) Here's a podcast on the subject from a professional ethicist. (It's the second item, so be patient.)

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Anyone do organ key repairs?

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

More on Young Chang action brackets

I called Young Chang today(866-798-6979: same as before). They have the action brackets on backorder and are taking the names of everyone who needs them. And they are still willing to pay for the parts and labor on the repair!

Update on the State Convention

The Santa Clara Valley Chapter proudly presents The California State PTG Conference, February 8th - 11th, 2007
at the San Francisco Airport Marriott. The Conference Web Site is: We hope you will be able to attend. This will be another great CA Conference!
The Exhibit Hall will feature all tool vendors from A - Z (which includes B,F,F,J,J,P,S,S,T,R,R,R,V ), almost every piano manufacturer, and the usual number of interesting additional trade related vendors. The Institute Class List is extensive with 3 .5 days of classes and over 40 Instructors. For a complete list of everything visit:

We would like to remind everyone who is considering attending the conference that: the Airport Marriott Hotel Group Rate is $96.00 plus tax if you make your Hotel Reservation by Jan 18th 2007. We encourage everyone to make hotel reservations early. We may not be able to get this cut-off date extended and the regular rate is $229.00. All Hotel links and information are available at: The Marriott room block booking is currently about 92% full but we have also made overfill arrangements at the Clarion Hotel next door (.3 miles) to the Marriott. If the Marriott room blocks are full, and the Marriot will not add more rooms to our room block, you should be able to book rooms at the Clarion.
If anyone is trying to book a Wed and/or Thurs room along with Fri Sat nights, the Marriott Hotel online registration system (and the after hours phone people that use the same system) may state that there are no rooms available. You have to back up and change dates and try again, or tell the phone person to back up and try again. The system (and possibly the phone person) is not smart enough to tell you that Wed is not available but Thurs Fri and Sat are, or that Fri and Sat are. [hard to imagine in this age of internet technology] We have arranged Wed and Thursday overflow booking at the Clarion Hotel (next to the Marriott) at the same group rate for those needing Wed and Thurs rooms if not available at the Marriott. All details and links are available at
Most other questions may be answered on the web site and committee contact information is also available there.
We hope to see you in February!

The CA State Conference PTG and Santa Clara Valley Chapter Conference Team

Friday, January 12, 2007

Our own Scott Johnson is featured in this week's Sacramento News & Review in connection with Veterans for Peace. Read the whole article here.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I was talking to Dan Dannenfelser about Dampp-Chaser installation and suggested he get a 1/4" nut driver bit. It makes driving those little hex washer screws (that come with the Dampp-Chaser kits) very easy — they are self-tapping in fact. If you try to put them in with a slotted screwdriver you'll drive yourself crazy.
I also use these screws for repairing piano benches when the bottoms have fallen out. These screws are a lot better than nails or staples for reattaching the bench bottom.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Reminder about the California State Convention

The California State Convention is in northern California this year (South San Francisco). Associates especially should avail themselves of the educational opportunities that a nearby convention presents. The room group rate cut off date is January 17 and the early registration deadline is January 23.

The importance of a keyboard cover

A piano that was attacked by a vicious dog.

Young Chang action brackets are back

You can get action brackets from Young Chang again! Call them at 310-637-2000 or 866-798-6979. If that doesn't work, Jim Davis has a few at his Samick warehouse. Call him at 800-592-9393 x110.

Friday, January 05, 2007

This book was written by a piano rebuilder turned massage therapist.