Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Tuner map

Terry Miller made this great map showing where all the PTG members are in Sacramento.

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Poor man's square

This is a very odd piano... downward striking hammers and strings that go horizontally under the keys. No manufacturer's name anywhere I could see.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Yamaha to Buy Boesendorfer: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance

VIENNA, Austria (AP) -- Yamaha will become the new owner of famed piano maker Boesendorfer, an Austrian bank said Thursday.

In a statement, BAWAG P.S.K. bank said it had reached an agreement with Yamaha over the sale of 100 percent of Boesendorfer shares. No price was specified.

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Daily Herald - Music failed to soothe beast

It is a chilling question that we have all asked ourselves: What would we do if, God forbid, we had to get a squirrel out of a piano? This very question confronted an animal-control officer in Fairfax County, Va., recently, according to a news report from the Washington Post sent in by roughly two million alert readers. According to this report, the officer was responding to a report of "a squirrel running inside a residence." When the officer arrived, the squirrel "jumped into an open baby grand piano." Fortunately, the officer had the training, the courage, and -- above all -- the musical talent to deal with the situation.
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Wednesday, February 06, 2008

NPR Music: The Bowed Piano: Fishing for a New Sound

The Bowed Piano Ensemble
Morning Edition, February 5, 2008 - What happens when you take a perfectly good invention — one that's been around for several hundred years — and completely rethink it? That's what an enterprising musician and composer named Stephen Scott has done with the grand piano.

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